Monday, May 16, 2011

The characteristics of True Love

The characteristics of True Love
Warm embrace of lovers who do not necessarily true love. There are several indicators measuring it.

Almost everyone must have felt the love. Not seldom are willing to do everything to have them. In fact, there is a desperate woman who married a ghost of her boyfriend to appreciate the power of love. Is this what is called true love?

Consider the following indicators to determine whether the current partner is your true love.


Communication is very important in a relationship. If you find it difficult to find a topic of conversation with him, or the important things in life, this is a big problem.

A healthy relationship must be colored with light discussions about anything, not just daily life. Such as chat about the past, future, life goals, beliefs, hobbies, work, or the personality of each. If you feel able to share their stories without fear of criticism, it could be he is your true love.


True love will not be born without confidence. High Honesty can deepen the relationship, but you can not build on a foundation that does not contain the trust from the beginning.


Ask yourself whether it is enough to sacrifice himself and the sacrifice of your own. Flashback to the things that make your relationship and He is emotionally disturbed.

Are you both putting others at overcoming problems in the relationship. If sacrifice himself and you just a little, maybe it is not true love. What you have is a relationship that quickly can become codependent.

Changes and Acceptance

True love involves a willingness to change ourselves for the sake of the couple. Are changes in future planning, interior decorating preferences, or the other. This also includes the ability to receive and secure feeling to be accepted.

True love means that you can view your partner's fault, but you accept them as part of your life. You do not have to feel that you should act, talk, dress, think or feel a certain way to gain acceptance into their beloved ones.


Mutual respect by no means always agree with one another, but it does not mean that you expand on the basic level of courtesy and tolerance of each other even in the midst of strife. You must respect the rights of each are different.

And, you must find a way to compromise and tolerate each other at times, even when you do not feel like giving way. In fact, the hallmark of true love is that you still choose to treat others with respect and tenderness, even when you feel the opposite.


True love should make you stronger, not too dependent on him. Someone who truly loves you will encourage you to live, think, act, breathe, chasing dreams and face the challenges with the full support and love behind your life. Affection
Compassion is important in a relationship. Not only in physical form, but also another romantic touch.